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PureCSS Hugo Theme

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Data Privacy Policy – PureCSS Hugo Theme

Thank you for your interest in our website and our services.

The protection of your personal data is a great concern. We treat the data entrusted to us accordingly strictly confidential and handle it responsibly. We see this in accordance with the legal and contractual obligations, in particular due to the provisions of the applicable data protection laws, as a special duty of a web and Internet service provider.

Therefore, in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations, namely in particular due to the General Data Protection Regulation, we inform you about the data processing, its purpose and your rights arising from it.

The use of our website is generally possible without providing personal data. Insofar as personal data (for example, name, address or e-mail addresses) are collected on our pages, this is always done, as far as possible, on a voluntary basis. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent.

We point out that data transmission over the Internet (eg communication by e-mail) security gaps. Complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible.

Data processing on the website takes place at the time of data collection by the responsible body and by the responsible person:

Example Company :-)

1. Collection and processing of personal data:

When you visit our web pages for purely informational purposes, i.e., if you do not otherwise transmit personal data to us, those personal data that your browser transmits to our server are collected for technical reasons. When you view our web pages, we collect the following data, which is technically necessary to display the web page to you and to ensure stability and security, including traceability in the event of errors and sustainable error correction:

Visited websites, date and time of access, amount of data sent in bytes, website of the incoming request (source/reference from which you reached the page), browser used incl. language and version, operating system used, IP address used.

Log files are created for this purpose. The data collected is used for control purposes to prevent and remedy illegal use of the website content, to improve the website and for statistical analysis.

2. Logfiles:

The web servers used by example company store log files documenting access to the individual web pages with the date, time and IP address of the visitor.

3. Cookies:

Cookies are small text files that are stored in the memory of your device with which you use the Internet, assigned to the browser you use. In order to make the use of my web pages more effective and user-friendly, cookies are stored on your device when you visit my web pages, whereby information can also flow to me (depending on the cookie). However, cookies cannot execute programs or transfer malware to your device.

4. Data retention, data access and data security:

Other persons or companies not specifically designated in this Privacy Policy will not have access to your data.

5. Contact via email, letter, telephone or fax:

When you contact us, the data you provide (name, address, telephone number, email address and, if applicable, case-specific data) will be stored in order to answer your questions, to process your request quickly and so that we can get back in touch with you. The data accruing in this context will be deleted if no contract is concluded between us and as soon as the storage is no longer necessary, or the data processing will be limited to the legal minimum if legal retention periods are provided for. In the event of the conclusion of a contract, the data protection declaration in the contract is relevant for data processing.

6. Data transmission:

Data that you transmit to us as part of a newsletter registration or with a request for information via the contact form or through other specific form fields or login or registration masks on the respective website will only be stored for as long as is necessary to fulfill the respective purpose of collection. The data collected in this context will be deleted as soon as storage is no longer necessary. If data processing continues, it is limited to the minimum necessary and the storage is reduced to the absolutely necessary duration. In the event of the conclusion of a contract, the data protection declaration in the contract is relevant for data processing.

7. Data security:

We take all necessary and appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data from loss and misuse. Your data is stored in a secure, state-of-the-art operating environment.

Access to our websites is secured via HTTPS if your browser supports SSL. This means that communication between your terminal device and our servers is encrypted.

Should you wish to contact us by e-mail, we would like to point out that the confidentiality of the information transmitted is not guaranteed. Due to their technical design, the content of e-mails can be viewed by third parties unless special technical security measures are taken.

8. your rights:

You have the right to information, correction or deletion, restriction of processing, objection to processing and data portability with regard to the personal data concerning you.

In addition, you have the right to complain to the data protection authority about the processing of your personal data by us.

In order to exercise your rights, it may also be necessary - depending on the nature and scope of your request - for you to prove your identity in an appropriate form.

This data protection declaration refers to the currently valid legal situation. We expressly reserve the right to make future changes or adjustments. Therefore, we recommend that you read this privacy policy regularly to stay informed about the use of personal data.